Check out the latest edition of the PPAS Voice! Along with the excellent articles, poetry, and pictures, there is a crossword puzzle. Complete it for a chance to be a judge at the PPAS teacher bake-off.
Check out the latest edition of the PPAS Voice! Along with the excellent articles, poetry, and pictures, there is a crossword puzzle. Complete it for a chance to be a judge at the PPAS teacher bake-off.
Check out this month’s issue of the PPAS Voice and have to opportunity to judge the teacher bake off, organized by Mr. Gatton, on Tuesday, March 1st! Complete the crossword puzzle at the end of the edition, take a picture of it, and upload it to the Google form, which is also in our Instagram bio @ppasvoice)!
We want to inform you about an exciting new initiative at PPAS!
The PPAS Peer Tutoring program is up and running! In fact, tutors are already working in a number of PPAS classrooms and we are now initiating phase 2, which is one to one peer tutoring: that is, individual students tutoring other students.
Who can seek a peer tutor?
Any high school student who needs help in one or more core subject classes
When are volunteer PPAS peer tutors available to meet?
8:30-9:14am: First Period
10:45-11:20am: High School Lunch
Where will peer tutoring take place?
Initially, students will be working in specific locations under the guidance of an adult on staff.
How were student tutors selected?
PPAS peer tutors have been endorsed by a teacher in the core subject area for which they will tutor. Peer tutors are students who are dedicated to helping their peers, and are committed to the program.
What happens if a student is not able to attend regularly scheduled tutoring sessions?
That student must email the tutor or student they are helping and cc Ms Conn and Isabella Tinney, one of the peer tutoring reps, to maintain status in the program. All students must maintain a good record of attendance in order to practice mutual respect between peer tutoring partners.
How are tutors trained?
Tutors completed an orientation training session where they learned expectations for conduct, professionalism, and a growth mindset approach to their work as a tutor. They have signed an agreement to maintain good attendance and to attend regularly scheduled training sessions to address tutor-related skills.
How does my student gain access to a tutor? And will they have the same tutor each time?
If your student would benefit from extra help in any subject area, please have them sign up by filling out a request form. Students will then be matched with a peer tutor who meets at a time that is convenient to your student. If all tutors’ schedules are filled for the time and subject area for which your student needs help, our peer tutoring representatives and I will work to find a qualified tutor as soon as possible. The expectation is that each student will build a working relationship with one peer tutor per core subject area for which they are seeking help.
When should students sign up for tutoring help?
Please note that sign up can happen at any time during the year. The best time to sign up for tutoring is when your student first feels the need for some extra support or when their teacher indicates to them or you that tutoring would be beneficial. Please urge your student not to wait! Please direct any and all related questions to Ms. Conn at sconn@ppasshare.org
Thank you for encouraging your student to take advantage of this exceptional academic support at PPAS.
Ms. Conn
PPAS Peer Tutor Coordinator
To tutor or be tutored… that is the question!
Would you like free tutoring in any of your academic classes?
Would you like to tutor other students in your strongest subjects?
Tutors, please remember that tutoring will count as community service at PPAS and will look great on your college applications!
Google Classroom code: w644ydn
The Tutoring Club
Co-Presidents: Image, Oleg Laskov, Morgan Peters, Fardin Mahi
Faculty Adviser: Ms. Testerman
Announcing a new club: The PPAS Math Team! We’re looking for all PPAS high schoolers who are interested in math. Come join us and find out what Math Team is all about!
Send email to ppasmathteam@ppasshare.org if you’d like to join us, and follow us on Instagram @ppasmathteam.
Hey! Vet club zoom is happening at 5:00 pm on Thursday, the 17th.
The link to the classroom is https://classroom.google.com/c/MjA3MDQzNDQzNjAz?cjc=plm3ix2 , for anyone who wants to join.
There is now a vet club instagram account! https://www.instagram.com/vetclubppas/ is the link, and the username is @vetclubppas .Please follow us! Thanks 🙂
Finding yourself overwhelmed with attendance questions and online exams?
The Tutors and Tutees Club is the place for you.
Whether you can’t tell apart a circle and a square, or forget how to tie your shoes, our mission is to assist students in achieving all their academic and personal goals.
With a long list of semi qualified and eager tutors, our club can provide you assistance in Math, ELA, the daunting SAT, and even guidance in nutrition and fitness (courtesy of Morgan Peters).
Whether you wish to tutor or be tutored, be on the lookout for announcements from your teachers, so we can begin to improve our lives, grades, and college resumes together.
Please complete this form if you are interested.
– Cochairs: Image, Mahi, Morgan, and Oleg
In case you didn’t know, PPAS has a Black Student Union run entirely by students. They would love to get more freshman and sophomores involved. If you are interested and want to learn more, email the BSU President, Imani.
The Black Student Union meets on Wednesdays at 4:30
Also follow them on instagram @ppas.bsu
Pre-Med Club is back this year!
Our mission statement: Anyone who is interested in science and/or wants to be in the medical field, come join the Pre-med club! In our club you will learn about what doctors do, the kinds of places they work, jobs they have, and tools and resources they use to help people stay well or get better when they are sick. We’ll talk about what you can do to help get on a path to apply to medical school and learn about medicine in your community.
Please go to our google classroom link for more information and to join us.
Thank you so much,
Kassaundra Ferm, founder and co-president
Hello Everyone!
We are Maria Palagian and Mollie Grodsky. We are sophomores and presidents of the new club called The Self Esteem Rising Club! We are so excited to start and can’t wait to meet you all.
To be great in every other aspect of your life, you have to be good with yourself. This club is going to focus on self confidence, growth, and loving yourself.
To join us, please visit us on Google classroom.
Thanks, and please join us if you are interested!
Yours Warmly,
Maria and Mollie