Catch The Wave at PPAS

Catch The Wave at PPAS on Friday, October 25 at 6 pm! 

The WAVE is our Senior Leadership organized Talent Show and Fundraiser!  

The WAVE gives students a space to showcase their talents, and share their endless creativity with the PPAS community.

Get Your Wave Tickets Today!

Donations for concessions and box office support can be made here!

Curriculum Night – September 26

Join us at Back to School
Curriculum Night In-Person!

Thursday, September 26th

Doors open at 4:45 pm

Enjoy your fellow parents in community!

Grab a bite to eat and support the Class of 2025!  

Then go to your child’s first period class at 5:30 pm.

Senior Parents and Nonna’s Table Volunteers!

The senior class is hoping to raise money to reduce the cost of the senior trip.  They will be selling sandwiches and salads on curriculum night

If you can contribute food or water please sign up here:
Senior Trip Fundraiser/Curriculum Night

PPAS Building Beautification

Several of our amazing parents worked together to paint the bulletin boards on the third floor a few weeks ago.

Who is available to help with the 4th floor on Thursday, August 15?

Principal Dyer envisions a refreshed and beautiful space for the students when they return on Thursday, September 5th.

JOIN US for a structure social on

THURSDAY, August 15
10 am – 4:30 pm

Lunch will be provided followed by a happy hour drink!

Bring a paint roller and a roll of blue tape if you can!


We know most of you have work commitments, but we’re scheduling around our custodial staff’s summer hours.

Whether you can spare 15 minutes or four hours, your contribution will be valued and appreciated.

Farm to People Fundraiser

We’ve partnered with Farm To People to fundraise for PPAS!

April 21st – July 1st

Get started now! Sign up Here


Here’s how it works:

Every time you shop on Farm To People’s website from now until
July 1, 2024, 5 percent goes back to the PPAS PTA.

Make that a subscription to one of their weekly, bi-weekly or monthly farm boxes and that number becomes 10%.


Q: How do I join? 

A: To join our fundraiser, simply create an account on Farm to People, add whatever you want to your basket, and enter code: FARMTOPPAS upon checkout

Q: Do I need to enter the code every time I shop? 

A: Nope! Once you’ve used the code during the fundraising time period, you’re all set. Farm to People will automatically give back 5% or 10% accordingly on all subsequent orders until the end of the period.

Q: Do I have to subscribe? 

A: No, but for every 10 customers that subscribe to any item during the fundraiser, Farm to People will add a $250 bonus to our fundraising check. However, you can always shop any of the items à la carte, no subscription required.

Q: Who can join the fundraiser? 

A: Anybody who wants to support the fundraiser can join — friends, family and neighbors. Just spread the word and don’t forget to share our code! 

Vote for PPAS!

The PPAS/Midtown West campus has been added as a project candidate for District 3’s participatory budget.

PPAS/Midtown West is Ballot #2:
Adding wheelchair accessibility to our school campus to assist seniors and people with disabilities.

You can view all of the participatory budget project candidates here:
District 3 Participatory Budget.

This year, District 3 parents, staff who work in District 3 and all PPAS/MTW students over the age of 11 are eligible to vote in the participatory budget voting process.

If you are eligible to vote, follow this link.

PPAS will host the voting process during each lunch period on TuesdayApril 9.

To prepare students for this event, some of our seniors who are all currently studying public policy, will visit each class to share a presentation about the participatory budget and our project.

If you do not want your child to participate in the vote, please contact Mr. Huang for middle school or Mr. Vassallo for high school. 

Save the Date!

Save The DATE — Monday, May 20
for the PPAS PTA Gala!

Our biggest fundraiser of the year will be held at Tito Murphy’s on 46th Street.

Help us make this the most successful gala ever!

Jamie Campagnola and Donna Dukes are leading this year’s gala committee.

Fervent planning begins with our kick-off meeting on Wednesday, February 21.

Get involved and email for more information!

Volunteer for PPAS

Share YOUR superpowers by participating in any or all of the upcoming opportunities at PPAS!

1.  PPAS C30 Community Feedback
Submissions due by December 10th

The C30 process is the formal process by which school leaders are selected. The superintendent wants your input in determining the next leader of PPAS. Please take a few minutes to complete the below survey. You may list the qualities that you believe are essential for the next principal to hold, and share a question that you would like to ask the candidates that are being considered in the hiring process. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful contributions to the process.

Complete your survey here


December 9th and 16th

A new class of students is preparing for their PPAS CALLBACKS. Join us as we help new families navigate the callback process.

Thank you in advance for helping families feel comfortable at PPAS.

Sign Up Here


3. PPAS Middle School Musical
December 14th-16th

Under the guidance of  Kyle Pleasant, Marissa Davis and Kaelin Fuld, a group of PPAS Middle School students are ready to blow your minds with “Be More Chill”.  Sign up to work box office, sell merchandise and concessions, or help usher people into our auditorium where they will experience PPAS magic!

Thank you in advance for supporting these rising stars!

Sign Up Here


4. SUPER STRIKE SUNDAY – December 17th

Calling all Dads, dudes, and darn-strong dames!

Join us as we strike (break down) the Be More Chill set, organize and clean up our scene shop, and then head over to Hurley’s to celebrate our accomplishments!  Sign up below (18+ only please)

Sign Up Here


5. PPAS Middle School Winter Concert
December 19th

Kick off your holidays with the Waterwell Drama program Grades 6-8 Holiday Concert, under the direction of Marissa Davis and featuring our Alvin Ailey Dancers. Thank you for supporting our Middle School Rising Stars.


Sign Up Here

Teamwork makes this DREAM work!
Thank you!

Clothing Thrift Drive

A message from Carly Alvo and the Climate Conscious Club at PPAS.

A clothing thrift drive has been organized for November 15th. The thrift drive is free. No money will be involved. It is a simple way to promote sustainability and encourage people to clean out their closets of clothing they no longer wear.

Let’s use this thrift opportunity to reduce, reuse, recycle, and keep it out of landfills.

Clothing donations of all sizes and styles are encouraged.

Support the PTA

fundraiser of the year!

and leave your mark for years!THE GOAL IS TO RAISE
for our Students,
their academics, and their arts!

Participation to date ~ $12,142

Every dollar and Every donation helps?
click below
$50 monthly?
$30 monthly?
$10 monthly?
ONE-TIME donation of any amount?

Each family matters and each family helps to build our community.Through the annual fund, the PTA contributes $15,000 to each of our arts partners: Dance, Drama, Musical Theater, and Vocal, to enhance the arts programs and supplement the DOE’s budget.

The Film Major is a new arts partner requiring an additional $15,000 contribution.

(PPAS will not receive any additional DOE funds for this major)
The PPAS PTA’s mission is to support our children and each other! 
Finding a way to support this exciting major and all of the other initiatives is how we PTA!



Give as much as you feel comfortable with, but no matter what, please give!
We strive for 100% participation, which helps us become more successful in our grant-writing efforts.

The more we raise FOR our students –
the more we give TO our students! 
Make Your PPAS PTA Annual Fund Donation Here!