Nominations are open for the 2024-25 PTA Board.
If you’re interested in serving on the board,
please nominate yourself using this form
Nominations are open for the 2024-25 PTA Board.
If you’re interested in serving on the board,
please nominate yourself using this form
Come celebrate a year of hard work for an evening of short contemporary scenes performed by the 9th Grade of The Waterwell Drama Program! These students have been working with their instructor, Mr. Kelati, on excerpts from challenging texts including scenes from Pulitzer Prize Winning Playwrights such as David Lindsey-Abaire, John Patrick Shanley, and Stephen Adley Guirgis!
Performance Information:
Professional Performing Arts School Blackbox (328 West 48th Street)
June 4th-5th @ 7pm
We’ve partnered with Farm To People to fundraise for PPAS!
April 21st – July 1st
Get started now! Sign up Here
Here’s how it works:
Every time you shop on Farm To People’s website from now until
July 1, 2024, 5 percent goes back to the PPAS PTA.
Make that a subscription to one of their weekly, bi-weekly or monthly farm boxes and that number becomes 10%.
Q: How do I join?
A: To join our fundraiser, simply create an account on Farm to People, add whatever you want to your basket, and enter code: FARMTOPPAS upon checkout
Q: Do I need to enter the code every time I shop?
A: Nope! Once you’ve used the code during the fundraising time period, you’re all set. Farm to People will automatically give back 5% or 10% accordingly on all subsequent orders until the end of the period.
Q: Do I have to subscribe?
A: No, but for every 10 customers that subscribe to any item during the fundraiser, Farm to People will add a $250 bonus to our fundraising check. However, you can always shop any of the items à la carte, no subscription required.
Q: Who can join the fundraiser?
A: Anybody who wants to support the fundraiser can join — friends, family and neighbors. Just spread the word and don’t forget to share our code!
Join us as we celebrate another wonderful year of partnership with Alvin Ailey and PPAS students
May 31 at 7 pm
June 1 at 3 pm and 7:30 pm
Ailey Citigroup Theater
405 W. 55th Street
(Corner of 9th Avenue)
Musical Theater End of Year Performances!
PPAS Blackbox
Friday, May 17th – 7 pm
PPAS Auditorium (onstage seating arrangement)
Thursday, June 6th – 7 pm
Friday, June 7th – 7 pm
PPAS Auditorium (onstage seating arrangement)
Thursday, May 30th – 7 pm
Friday, May 31st – 7 pm
Saturday, June 1st – 7 pm
PPAS Blackbox
Thursday, May 30th – 7 pm
Friday, May 31st – 7 pm
Saturday, June 1st – 7 pm
The PPAS Vocal Department presents its Spring Concert
Friday, May 17 at 7 pm
Church of Blessed Sacrament,
152 W. 71st Street
Become A PPAS Champion For The Arts!
The fight to fund the arts is an ongoing battle in public schools across the country.
The PPAS PTA Gala committee is committed to developing initiatives to assist you in keeping the Arts at the center of our education model.
DON’T miss this opportunity for you to:
ATTEND the Gala for FREE
SUPPORT your child’s art department & CONTRIBUTE to the PTA general fund which supports students in need, teacher appreciation events, school-wide hospitality events and assemblies, and much, much more.
It takes less than 10 minutes to start raising funds &
(This is a five-day only event!)
Become a CHAMPION for the ARTS at PPAS!!
Informational ZOOM meetings will be held on Monday and Tuesday,
May 13th and 14th at 7:30 pm
Check your email for Zoom information.
The PTA Meeting is this Thursday, May 16, at 6:30 pm.
We will be meeting in-person at PPAS to vote on the 2024-25 school year BUDGET.
If you’re interested in serving on the board,
please nominate yourself using this form. The Board elections will be held in-person at the June 20th General PTA meeting.
Come see an outstanding display of PPAS talent!
The PPAS Slam
May 3, 2024, 6:30 pm
PPAS Auditorium
Tickets are $35 for adults and $15 for students/younger children.
Light refreshments will be served!
Come celebrate our children and preview our Gala gift baskets, classes, and professional opportunities.
PTA Meeting this Thursday!
We will meet in person at PPAS at 6 pm and also on Zoom.
Immediately following the meeting at 7 pm, join us at the Spring Vocal Soiree.
We will vote on how to allocate an additional ~ $40,000 in the PTA budget.
Options include:
1. Carry the excess funds raised through the GoFundMe into next year’s general budget which would allow for various uses.
2. Earmark excess funds raised through the GoFundMe evenly among the remaining performing arts departments.
(Waterwell HS Drama and Middle School Theater Arts excluded)
3. Propose another use. If you have a different idea please contact your PTA delegate.