Friday, November 20th, is Transgender Day of Remembrance. On this day each year, we honor the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. You can participate in Transgender Day of Remembrance by taking time to honor those lives that were lost and by learning about the violence that affects the transgender community. You can start by checking out these resources:
Forward Together dreams of Trans Freedom: https://tdor.co/
Learn the story of William Dorsey Swann, the world’s first self-described drag queen and one of the first individuals of color in America to stand up for the rights of queer and trans people.
Many more resources at this shared Google Doc. (You may need a Gmail account to access.)
“Transgender Day of Remembrance is really all about remembering to never forget the history and presence of trans* people in our world. And with that, Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) stands as an even larger motivator to embrace the identities we ourselves have and the identities of others. It’s a day for action, for mobilization, for story-telling, and for revitalization. But most importantly, TDOR is an opportunity to celebrate the diverse lives of trans* people everywhere. It’s crucial to recognize that trans* people have made great, beautiful strides to transform and challenge society… and what’s even more awesome and admirable is that we keep doing so every single day. We continue to come out, to speak out, to shout out loud that we have hurt and we have lost but that will never prevent us from shouting even louder that we are here and we will continue to exist in the most influential ways—that’s what matters most to me: having a community that I can stand with no matter what.” – GLSEN Student Media Ambassador Loan T.
Thank you to the Brooklyn Millennium HS Gay/Straight Alliance for pulling these resources together.
If you want to get more involved in LBGT issues, please contact our LBGT/Straight Alliance advisor, Dr. Lankewish, at vlankewish@ppasshare.org