From Principal Ryan:
As you have likely heard, the NYC DOE will be phasing students back to in-person learning, starting with Pre-K through 5th grade next Monday, December 7th. As of this morning, the DOE has not determined a return date for grades 6-12. We will update you as decisions are made by the NYC DOE. Meanwhile, there are a few important elements of the return to in-school learning that you should be aware of even before the date is announced:
When in-person learning continues, it is only available to those students who are currently enrolled in the BLENDED learning program. All students currently in the REMOTE program, will continue to learn remotely.
Although the mayor has been publicly speaking about increasing the amount of in-person days, this is wholly dependent on space in our building and social distancing rules. Currently, we do not anticipate increasing the in-person days because many class sections are already at social distancing capacity. We have run models of reprogramming for more in-person days, but we cannot solve issues of social distancing and safe in-person instruction as per the CDC. Therefore, the rotating A-B-C day structure will stay in place.
All students in the BLENDED program are now required to provide consent for COVID-19 testing in order to participate in in-person instruction. If you have NOT already consented, you can do so by filling out the attached consent form and sending it with your child on the day they return. You can also complete the consent form on-line if you have NYC School Account. If you do not have an NYC Schools Account but would like one, you can get a registration code from Ms. Gindi – request one from her by emailing tgindi@ppasshare.org. Schools Account is a hub for your child’s school records: grades, test scores, attendance, school records, etc.
Please see the chancellor’s letter attached about the return to in-person learning for BLENDED students, and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Thank you, be safe, and be well.
Keith Ryan