This Tuesday,
April 20th @ 7:30 PM
EXECUTIVE BOARD Nominations & PTA Meeting
VP Fundraising
VP Membership
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
*Middle School Delegates
Drama Delegates
Musical Theatre Delegates
Dance Delegates
Vocal Delegates
To see a description of responsibilities for each position please go to the PPAS BYLAWS.
(*) As of now, there are 2 positions that will definitely need to be filled for the 2021-2022 school year.
Please keep in mind that all positions are up for re-election. If a current member runs for re-election, you may still nominate yourself. Ideally we would love to have co-heads for each position. Voting will take place in June.
The current Executive Board thanks you in advance for your support, enthusiasm, and participation.
Please NOMINATE YOURSELF for a position that interests you.