December PTA Meeting

Join us for the last PTA Meeting of 2023!

It’s happening this Thursday, December 14
at 6 p.m., in person at PPAS.
We’ll then attend opening night for the
Middle School performance of Be More Chill.

We will hear from Principal Leah Dyer,
who will talk about our school and its mission and vision.

During the meeting, we will also elect new members
to the School Leadership Team (SLT) and a cultural delegate.

Volunteer for PPAS

Share YOUR superpowers by participating in any or all of the upcoming opportunities at PPAS!

1.  PPAS C30 Community Feedback
Submissions due by December 10th

The C30 process is the formal process by which school leaders are selected. The superintendent wants your input in determining the next leader of PPAS. Please take a few minutes to complete the below survey. You may list the qualities that you believe are essential for the next principal to hold, and share a question that you would like to ask the candidates that are being considered in the hiring process. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful contributions to the process.

Complete your survey here


December 9th and 16th

A new class of students is preparing for their PPAS CALLBACKS. Join us as we help new families navigate the callback process.

Thank you in advance for helping families feel comfortable at PPAS.

Sign Up Here


3. PPAS Middle School Musical
December 14th-16th

Under the guidance of  Kyle Pleasant, Marissa Davis and Kaelin Fuld, a group of PPAS Middle School students are ready to blow your minds with “Be More Chill”.  Sign up to work box office, sell merchandise and concessions, or help usher people into our auditorium where they will experience PPAS magic!

Thank you in advance for supporting these rising stars!

Sign Up Here


4. SUPER STRIKE SUNDAY – December 17th

Calling all Dads, dudes, and darn-strong dames!

Join us as we strike (break down) the Be More Chill set, organize and clean up our scene shop, and then head over to Hurley’s to celebrate our accomplishments!  Sign up below (18+ only please)

Sign Up Here


5. PPAS Middle School Winter Concert
December 19th

Kick off your holidays with the Waterwell Drama program Grades 6-8 Holiday Concert, under the direction of Marissa Davis and featuring our Alvin Ailey Dancers. Thank you for supporting our Middle School Rising Stars.


Sign Up Here

Teamwork makes this DREAM work!
Thank you!

Clothing Thrift Drive

A message from Carly Alvo and the Climate Conscious Club at PPAS.

A clothing thrift drive has been organized for November 15th. The thrift drive is free. No money will be involved. It is a simple way to promote sustainability and encourage people to clean out their closets of clothing they no longer wear.

Let’s use this thrift opportunity to reduce, reuse, recycle, and keep it out of landfills.

Clothing donations of all sizes and styles are encouraged.

Financial Aid Presentation

The College Office would like to invite you to join us for our presentation on College FinancialAid!

When: Wednesday, November 1 @ 6:30 pm

Where: Zoom (check your email or contact the College Office)


  • Financial Aid Process Timeline & Dates
  • FAFSA and CSS Profile
  • Types of Loans
  • How to read a Financial Aid Award/Package Letter
  • Q&A

We hope all of our Seniors families can join and this evening is especially important for our families going through the College FinancialAid process for the first time. A recording of the evening’s presentation will be made for families that cannot attend.

As always, please continue to email any of us in the College Office with questions or concerns!

November PTA Meeting

Join us on Thursday at 6 p.m. for our monthly PTA meeting!

Because of parent-teacher conferences, the meeting will take place in Zoom. 

Please join us!


Nominations for two SLT positions and the Cultural Delegate role are open.

Interested in running for the position?
Nominate yourself!

(Nominations close December 12th)

PTA the PPAS way… have fun AND get it done!