The recording and slides for our College Financial Aid Night on November 1 are available on our College Resources page. You’ll find a variety of other resources there, too!
Category: College
Financial Aid Presentation
The College Office would like to invite you to join us for our presentation on College FinancialAid!
When: Wednesday, November 1 @ 6:30 pm
Where: Zoom (check your email or contact the College Office)
- Financial Aid Process Timeline & Dates
- FAFSA and CSS Profile
- Types of Loans
- How to read a Financial Aid Award/Package Letter
- Q&A
We hope all of our Seniors families can join and this evening is especially important for our families going through the College FinancialAid process for the first time. A recording of the evening’s presentation will be made for families that cannot attend.
As always, please continue to email any of us in the College Office with questions or concerns!
Financial Aid Presentation
The College Office invites you to a College Financial Aid presentation!
When: Wednesday, November 1, 6:30 pm
Where: Zoom (check your email or write to
Financial Aid Process Timeline & Dates
FAFSA and CSS Profile
Types of Loans
How to read a financial aid award
and Package Letter
We hope all of our Seniors’ families can join us. It is especially important for families going through the college financial aid process for the first time.
A recording of the presentation will be made and shared for families that cannot attend.
As always, please continue to email any of us in the College Office with questions or concerns!
SUNY Free Application Week

Beginning Monday, October 16th, and ending Sunday, October 29th, students can apply to up to five SUNY campuses with no application fee! This includes all campuses, no matter which application vehicle the student uses. Details are available here:
Please remember that students can submit their application during this time, but supplemental materials such as transcripts and letters of recommendation can be submitted after Free Application Week.
Over the next two weeks, The State University of New York will be holding a variety of virtual events to help your students and their families prepare for Free Application Week. Some topics include:
Which SUNY Are You?
How to Apply to SUNY
Educational Opportunity Program
A full list of programming can be found at
College Application Night
The College Office would like to invite you to join us for our next presentation!
When: Wednesday, October 4 @ 6:30 PM
Where: Zoom (check your email or send mail to
College Application Night Class of 2024
- College Office Staff
- Application Deadlines
- Application Websites & Portals
- Building a College List
- Key Components of a College Application
This night is especially important for our senior families to attend because we will be presenting actionable steps that you and your student should be taking right now in the heart of the College Application cycle. Time permitting, we will also have a Q&A session at the conclusion of the presentation. All families of underclassmen are also welcome to attend the presentation; it is never too early to start planning.
CUNY Applications Free Thru October
This note is from the wonderful folks at CUNY.
“We are pleased to announce that all Class of 2024 NYC Public School (DOE) graduates will have their fee waived when they submit an application through the month of October. “
So if you are planning to apply to CUNYs – which you all should be – get your applications in before the end of October and you will not have to pay an application fee!
College Aid Presentation
From the PPAS College Office:
The College Office and Careers Office will host College Financial Aid Expert Ed Zamora to discuss college aid with PPAS families on Monday, Sept. 18 at 8 pm on Zoom.
This event is geared towards families of current seniors, but any family that is curious about college financial aid is encouraged to attend.
Ed Zamora is a knowledgeable financial aid expert, who has his own YouTube channel.
Topics covered include:
• New changes to the FAFSA form
• Changes to federal loans
• Where to find scholarships
• NY State financial aid changes
• The impact of early decision and early action on financial aid
• New deadlines for the college process
Check your email for a pre-registration link.
College Learning Opportunities
In the spirit of cooperation, six of the nation’s top liberal arts colleges—Amherst, Bowdoin, Carleton, Pomona, Swarthmore, and Williams—are joining forces to offer you an opportunity to connect with our deans of admission as they reflect on this year’s application season and help you prepare for the season ahead. Student Events — Help us spread the word. We’re hosting events for students and their families to help answer questions about the college search process. Students can register here. Junior Jumpstart – March 14 at 8 pm EDT Home Away from Home: A Conversation for International Students – March 28 at 8:30 am EDT Fly-in Programs and Other Ways to Get to Know Us – April 19 at 8 pm EDT | |
Reminder: College Info Session
The final session of our fall virtual college night series is tonight, Tuesday, November 15th, at 6:30 pm. All PPAS families, regardless of grade level, are invited to attend.
Tuesday, November 15, 6:30 pm
Tonight’s topic is Navigating Support Programs for:
- First Generation students
- Low Income Students
- Students with academic challenges, including those with IEPs
Check your email for Zoom info.
College Info Sessions
From our College office:
After a great kick-off in early October with guest speaker Ed Zamora speaking on the financial aid process, the PPAS College Office is continuing our fall series with two additional college nights in November, both on zoom at 6:30 pm, as follows:
– Tuesday, November 1st, 6:30 pm – Overview of the college application process and an accessible review of FAFSA basics
– Tuesday, November 15, 6:30 pm – Navigating Support Programs for:
- First Generation students
- Low Income Students
- Students with academic challenges, including those with IEPs
Please keep in mind that ALL families in the PPAS community, regardless of grade level, are invited to the fall and the spring College Night Series. When planning your time, however, please be aware that the fall series is specific to the12th grade year, with a great deal of detail that is meaningful when in the midst of the application process.
The spring series, though focused on the 11th grade year, is likely a better time to gain a more general introduction to the college process if your child is in a lower grade. However, again, regardless of grade level, you are most welcome at any of the college nights, and we look forward to seeing you there.
Lastly, parents of Seniors should note that this week is SUNY FREE APPLICATION WEEK(S). Students, regardless of financial standing, can apply to up to 5 SUNY Schools for free. Please see the link for more info.