PPAS Student Film Screening

Coming soon: a film screening! In-person for selected PPAS audience and streaming premiere of “The Hidden Force” by new wave filmmaker and actor Denis Prendi. 

Júlia Calgaro
Ananda Loizzo
Nareh Aseyan
Denis Prendi

The Knowledge Project Coaches

Direction: Jose Esquea, award winning film and theatre director

Production: MB Hunnewell, feature motion pictures and award winning educational animation, commercials and documentaries. 

Production & editing: Adriana Davis, award winning producer and editor for documentaries and short films with her company, D-Squared Productions.

Talent Show

Please join us
Friday, April 30th – 7:00PM

All school talent show and fundraiser

Live streamed on YouTube:

Instead of selling individual tickets
this year, we’re asking our PPAS families to Please Participate by:

1. Watching the show.
Everyone involved has worked hard to make it special & would love to entertain you!

2.  Donating to the school.  
Any amount will help towards reaching our funding goals for this year. Your contribution will make a big difference in our students’ success! 

Invite your relatives and friends!

You can donate now, right before, or during the SLAM performance.

*Participating donors will be recognized during the show “telethon style”. 

Please go to this link:  https://donorbox.org/ppas-slam-2021

Black Excellence Gala

Please join us this Friday at 3:30 PM for PPAS’ Black Excellence Gala! Join us as we celebrate historical education, critical thinking and joy!


REGISTER HERE: https://forms.gle/bAH2rPqoPYMsvECF9

You will receive your video streaming link 30 minutes before the event begins. Be on the lookout via e-mail and follow us on social media. 



Nicole Johnson
PPAS Equity Advocate

Black History Month and Computer Coding

From Mr. Ryan:

Mr. Wright found this great curriculum that combines computer coding and celebrating black history by produce a remixes of a Pharrel Williams song.  Student remixes will be entered into a national competition!  Check out the attached flyer for details about how to join the class that Mr. Wright will lead:

Reminder: School Meal Application

Although many students do not take advantage of the free lunch program, it remains important that all families complete the School Meal Application.

Information received from the application may result in Title I funding for supplementary programming and:

 • College fee waivers for students 
• Tutoring programs
 • PSAT, SAT and ACT fee waiver for students.

The deadline to submit the application is December 21st

It only takes a few minutes!
Please complete the application.

Thank you!