Graduation 2025

Class of 2025, there are many events coming up just for you!

EventDate and DetailsLocation 
Senior Graduation Ceremony Thursday, June 26, 3 pm
All seniors will gather in our Black Box prior to the ceremony.
Four tickets per student distributed on June 12 during senior breakfast.
PPAS Auditorium 
Public Policy ExpoFriday, May 23 All Day
All Students/Parents are welcome to attend
PPAS Auditorium 
Senior Trip
Wednesday, June 11, 7:30 am
Buses leave for Hershey Park at 7:30 am.
Cost TBD
7:30 am – 7 pm
Senior Field DayTuesday, June 10 All day; All Students
Cost to student: $0
Refreshments provided by parents 
Central Park (Weather permitting)
Senior BreakfastThursday, June 12- 9 am
Students will receive cap and gown.
PTA provides breakfast, students sign yearbooks, and a graduation rehearsal at 12 pm led by Mr. Vassallo.
PPAS Courtyard (Weather permitting)
Senior Prom
Friday, June 13, 7 pm 
Cost to student: $150 
How to Purchase: Click here to purchase online or email Mr. Devine at to pay by check.

Important: Each student attending prom MUST HAVE a completed prom permission form. Forms should be returned to Mr. Devine at
Chelsea Piers Sunset Terrace
Senior Awards NightTBDPPAS Auditorium