We highly recommend The Knowledge Project’s Masterclasses. They are open to all 6th–12th grade students and adults. The teachers are excellent; these classes are a treat!

Day 1: Monday, October 26 from 6 – 7pm
“Scary and Spooky: Write a Scary Halloween Scene.”
Led by Sarah Congress, TV writer & playwright Coach. With Q/A
Learn to write a silly horror flick scene.
Day 2: Tuesday, October 27 from 7:15 – 8:15 pm
“Who, Me, Write? Yes You can!”
Led by David Tabatsky, prolific Author, Writer, Teacher, Coach with Q/A
Jump “write in with the fun of writing, from self-expression to polished essay.
Day 3: Wednesday, October 28 from 6 -7 pm
“The Language of Music, Music of Language.”
Led by Baghir, versatile World Musician, Teacher, Coach, With demo and Q/A
Learn about the gift of music, a world language.
Day 4: Thursday, October 29 from 7:15 – 8:15 pm
“An Art Tour: Modern Art through an African American Lens.”
Led by Virgie Bonhomme, Art Historian, Writer, Coach. With Q/A
Learn more about movements, cultures, and styles.
Day 5: Monday, November 2 from 12 noon – 1 pm
“Design Your Startup: Idea to Product.”
Led by Sneha Krishnan, Entrepreneur, Product Designer, Writer, Coach. With Q/A
Transform your ideas into profit, sustainable and to scale.