A big welcome to the new and returning members to the PPAS PTA!
Shawn Dell, President
Debbie Greenwald, Treasurer
Neal Sofge, Recording Secretary
Marisa Osorio & Fernanda Santos,
Co-VP Communications
Mildred Alcaide & Kristin Palmieri,
Dance Delegates
Jamie Campagnola & Leslie Hendricks,
Drama Delegates
Ann Marie Pascarella & Jennifer Whipple,
Musical Theater Delegates
Yanet Cruz & Helen Stewart, Vocal Delegates
Erin Balsamo & Helen Stewart, SLT Members
Valerie Tanis, 11th Grade Delegate
Lisa Hamilton, 12th Grade Delegate
Elections will be held in the fall for the following positions:
VP of Fundraising
VP of Membership
Cultural Delegate
9th Grade Delegate
10th Grade Delegate
Middle School Delegate