30(+1)th Anniversary Gala

As we near the end of this school year we have a lot to celebrate,
especially PPAS’s 31st Anniversary!

Because 2020 was not a time for festivities …we PROMISE to make this year’s celebration one to remember!

The night begins at 7:00 pm with a virtual AROUND THE WORLD SCAVENGER HUNT from WATSON ADVENTURES

Game followed by kick off of AUCTION!!!
tickets $31p/p

The Gala Committee asks all PTA members (that’s all of us…parents
of PPAS students) to help with contributing items to the PPAS AUCTION, which will take place on Bidding for Good .  Please ask your neighborhood businesses, friends, family, after-school classes or workplace for a donation item or service we can auction at the GALA. 

We’ll send an email following this one explaining in greater detail all the different types of items that make great auction items. 

TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE… the celebration is around the corner so we ask that we all reach out to at least 1 friend, neighborhood business, family member TODAY…that’s just 1. If each one does so we will secure funding for our students and expand further on opportunities to come!

1. Donation form
2. QR Code to download so you don’t have to carry anything with you.
The QR Code links directly to the donation form (place phone’s camera on the bar code image below).
3. Sample solicitation letters (emailed to you separately), which you’re welcome to use or give ideas to compose your own.

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