University Scholarships


For it’s 7th year, the American Theatre Wing is offering scholarships to high school seniors who are historically underrepresented in the theatre industry. Students can apply to study ANY aspect of theatre from stage management to arts administration, performance, design, etc. .

In addition to the $40,000 scholarship, recipients are given exclusive opportunities such as mentorships with. key industry players, participation in free master classes, panels for career advancement, and much more!



Playwriting Fellowship Opportunity


An exciting NYC ten-minute play festival partnership focused on sparking and showcasing youth creative voices. The contest culminates with an evening of staged readings with professional actors of these original student one-act plays.

Fellows will have:

  • access to NYC professional playwright mentors
  • their plays published in a Lortel Play anthology
  • access to tickets to a Broadway show, and a certificate of recognition. 

DEADLINE: January 2023

Get more info and register

Reminder: College Info Session

The final session of our fall virtual college night series is tonight, Tuesday, November 15th, at 6:30 pm. All PPAS families, regardless of grade level, are invited to attend. 

Tuesday, November 15, 6:30 pm

Tonight’s topic is Navigating Support Programs for:

  • First Generation students 
  • Low Income Students
  • Students with academic challenges, including those with IEPs

Check your email for Zoom info.

Open House for Prospective Students

Tell your friends! Here’s the info:

Come see what the PPAS High School Program has to offer!

Join us on November 1, 2022 at 6:00 PM in person to see live performances by all four majors  – Vocal, Dance, Musical Theater, and Drama

In addition, school leadership will present information about auditions, admissions, school culture, academics and more.

College Info Sessions

From our College office:

 After a great kick-off in early October with guest speaker Ed Zamora speaking on the financial aid process,  the PPAS College Office is continuing our fall series with two additional college nights in November, both on zoom at 6:30 pm, as follows:

– Tuesday, November 1st, 6:30 pm – Overview of the college application process and an accessible review of FAFSA basics

– Tuesday, November 15, 6:30 pm – Navigating Support Programs for:

  •  First Generation students 
  • Low Income Students
  • Students with academic challenges, including those with IEPs

Please keep in mind that ALL families in the PPAS community, regardless of grade level,  are invited to the fall and the spring College Night Series.  When planning your time, however,  please be aware that the fall series is specific to the12th grade year, with a great deal of detail that is meaningful when in the midst of the application process.  

The spring series, though focused on the 11th grade year, is likely a better time to gain a more general introduction to the college process if your child is in a lower grade.  However, again, regardless of grade level, you are most welcome at any of the college nights, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Lastly, parents of Seniors should note that this week is SUNY FREE APPLICATION WEEK(S). Students, regardless of financial standing, can apply to up to 5 SUNY Schools for free. Please see the link for more info.

Donations for Migrant Families

Midtown West, the elementary school that shares the building with PPAS, is welcoming the children of newly migrant families into their community, but they are in need of clothing and other items. If you wish to make a donation from the wishlist, please click on this link:

You may also bring gently used children’s clothes, coats and shoes to the Midtown West school office.