PPAS Spring Slam

Hey PPAS parents, guardians and students!!!

The pieces are coming together so I’m excited to announce the upcoming 2022 Spring PPAS Slam! 

For those that don’t know, the Slam is our annual talent show, hosted by the PTA and featuring students from both the middle and high schools.

We’ll be holding the auditions Saturday afternoon, April 2! We are still working out whether they will be virtual or in person – stay tuned but start working on your act!!!

A note from Director Arri Simon:
Acts should be 3 minutes or less, and appropriate for school. No profanity or anything provocative or suggestive of violence. We ask that the kids please bring sheet music in the correct key. If you need a track for your act, make sure it’s downloaded to phone or mp3 player, NOT streaming. Each act that’s accepted will be on only ONE of the two nights.

While we generally accept all acts which are prepared and appropriate, we do have a limited amount of spots, so if kids are in multiple acts, we reserve the right to limit participation.

You will NOT be allowed to audition if you are not fully prepared. The piece you use to audition must be the exact same piece you perform at the show. 

*There will be a tech rehearsal on Thursday, April 7th in the late afternoon/evening. The Slam itself will be Friday, April 8th at 7pm in the PPAS Auditorium.

The ticket prices are:
Adults – $20
Students/Kids – $5
PPAS Students and Teachers – Free

Click below to buy tickets in advance or simply to donate even if you can’t be there:


Or text TheSlam to 76278 to register.

Please help support our kids!

Take the School Survey

Please take the NYCDOE School Survey! Parents, students, and staff are all invited to take it. The information we get is completely anonymous and it lets our school know what improvements we need to make.

Your school access code is the letter then your child’s OSIS number with no spaces in between. You can also access the survey through your NYC Schools Account.

The deadline for completing the survey is March 25.

PSAT/SAT Day, March 23

On March 23rd, PPAS will administer the PSAT to all 10th Grade Students and the SAT to all 11th Grade Students.  There is nothing that students or parents need to do to sign up.  All students are signed up for the exams.

10th Grade students received the PSAT Student Guide that will help them prepare for the test in Humanities class.

11th Grade students can access the SAT Student Guide online (paper copies were not provided by College Board).

Spring Musical

We are excited to announce that Mr. Kyle Pleasant will be directing a spring musical production!

Due to COVID constraints, we will not be producing a full blown production, but rather a smaller staged workshop of a new musical in progress.  We often do this sort of work in our New Works Lab with Drama 4 students and it can be as exciting and exhilarating as a fully staged production.  There is no title yet, but we will use Musical Workshop as a working title for now.

Auditions for the Musical Workshop will be held virtually by video submission.  Record your name, grade, and major along with 32 bars of a pop or musical theater song that best shows your range.

Email your video audition to director Kyle Pleasant.

Submission Deadline:  Monday, January 31st at 10:00 AM.

Rehearsals will begin February 2nd, Monday-Friday 4PM-8PM.  Saturdays 10AM-2PM.  Performances: March 3rd, 4th and 5th.

Any questions?  Email Mr. Pleasant.

Peer Tutoring Is Back!

We want to inform you about an exciting new initiative at PPAS!

The PPAS Peer Tutoring program is up and running! In fact, tutors are already working in a number of PPAS classrooms and we are now initiating phase 2, which is one to one peer tutoring: that is, individual students tutoring other students.

Who can seek a peer tutor?
Any high school student who needs help in one or more core subject classes

When are volunteer PPAS peer tutors available to meet?
8:30-9:14am: First Period
10:45-11:20am: High School Lunch

Where will peer tutoring take place?
Initially, students will be working in specific locations under the guidance of an adult on staff.

How were student tutors selected?
PPAS peer tutors have been endorsed by a teacher in the core subject area for which they will tutor. Peer tutors are students who are dedicated to helping their peers, and are committed to the program.

What happens if a student is not able to attend regularly scheduled tutoring sessions?
That student must email the tutor or student they are helping and cc Ms Conn and Isabella Tinney, one of the peer tutoring reps, to maintain status in the program. All students must maintain a good record of attendance in order to practice mutual respect between peer tutoring partners.

How are tutors trained?
Tutors completed an orientation training session where they learned expectations for conduct, professionalism, and a growth mindset approach to their work as a tutor. They have signed an agreement to maintain good attendance and to attend regularly scheduled training sessions to address tutor-related skills.

How does my student gain access to a tutor? And will they have the same tutor each time?
If your student would benefit from extra help in any subject area, please have them sign up by filling out a request form. Students will then be matched with a peer tutor who meets at a time that is convenient to your student. If all tutors’ schedules are filled for the time and subject area for which your student needs help, our peer tutoring representatives and I will work to find a qualified tutor as soon as possible. The expectation is that each student will build a working relationship with one peer tutor per core subject area for which they are seeking help.

When should students sign up for tutoring help?
Please note that sign up can happen at any time during the year. The best time to sign up for tutoring is when your student first feels the need for some extra support or when their teacher indicates to them or you that tutoring would be beneficial. Please urge your student not to wait! Please direct any and all related questions to Ms. Conn at sconn@ppasshare.org

Thank you for encouraging your student to take advantage of this exceptional academic support at PPAS.
Ms. Conn
PPAS Peer Tutor Coordinator