New PTA Executive Board

A big welcome to the new and returning members to the PPAS PTA!

Shawn Dell, President

Debbie Greenwald, Treasurer

Neal Sofge, Recording Secretary

Marisa Osorio & Fernanda Santos,
Co-VP Communications

Mildred Alcaide & Kristin Palmieri,
Dance Delegates

Jamie Campagnola & Leslie Hendricks,
Drama Delegates

Ann Marie Pascarella & Jennifer Whipple,
Musical Theater Delegates

Yanet Cruz & Helen Stewart, Vocal Delegates

Erin Balsamo & Helen Stewart, SLT Members

Valerie Tanis, 11th Grade Delegate

Lisa Hamilton, 12th Grade Delegate

Elections will be held in the fall for the following positions:

VP of Fundraising
VP of Membership
Cultural Delegate
9th Grade Delegate
10th Grade Delegate
Middle School Delegate

Important Dates

This week is Regents week for high school students.

Tuesday, June 20, is seniors’ awards night. The event will take place at 6 p.m. in the PPAS auditorium.

Wednesday, June 21, is the Stepping Up ceremony for 8th graders. Students and families should get to school at 11 a.m. Congratulations, Class of 2027!

Thursday, June 22, is graduation day for seniors. Students must get to school at noon. Congratulations, Class of 2023!

The last day of school is June 27.

TA8 Play

And a Child Shall Lead

This is the heroic and true story of children coming of age in Terezin, the “Jewish city” established by the Nazis near Prague as a way station before the death camps. In the face of unspeakable horror, these children use their determination and creativity to build lives filled with hope and beauty — playing, studying, making art, and writing an underground newspaper — all at the peril of being executed. Their actual poems and stories are woven into a fast-paced drama, evoking the universality of children caught in the insanity of war.

Directed by Nico Torrez
Stage Managed by Kaelin Fuld
Featuring the WW Theater Arts Classes of ’23 & ’24, with Guest performances by the WDP Class of ’26

June 16th @7pm,
June 17th @3pm & @7pm
PPAS Auditorium

Get tickets now