Drama 2 Plays

Below are the ticket links to purchase tickets to our Drama 2 shows! 

King John will be opening this Thursday, Feb. 2nd @7pm.

King John 
Directed by James Palmer
Stage Management by Angelie Rodriguez
Assistant Directed by Dianna Zorek
Stage Management Mentorship by Kaelin Fuld

Show Dates:
Thurs, Feb. 2nd @ 7pm
Fri, Feb. 3rd @ 2pm & 7pm
Sat, Feb. 4th @ 7pm

Purchase tickets for King John

Henry IV 
Directed by Amara Aja
Stage Management by Rebecca Berger
Assistant Director/Stage Managed by Fiona Grand
Sound Design by Johnny Hamilton-Janak

Show Dates:

Wed, Feb. 15th @ 7pm
Fri, Feb. 17th @ 4pm
Fri, Feb. 17th @ 7pm

Purchase tickets for Henry IV

Practice SAT Exam

Atlas Prep is offering our class of 2024 students a free online practice SAT or ACT this Saturday, January 7th, from 9am-1pm.  

This gives you the opportunity to experience a college admissions test and grade it immediately after with the support of a live proctor. Further, it gives students a chance to experience the test before taking the ‘real thing’ in March.   

Free Online Practice SAT or ACT Exam
Saturday, January 7 from 9am-1pm
Students should register here

Please direct any questions to Atlas at Answers@AtlasTestPrep.com or call/text 716.299.8378 

Picture Day

Please mark your calendars for PPAS Picture Day:  Monday, December 19th.  Every child 6-11 grade will have their portrait taken to be included in the 2023 yearbook.  If you are interested in purchasing a school picture package, you should have heard from Portraits USA with details.  If you did not receive communication from Portraits USA and are interested in purchasing a package, please contact Teri Gindi at tgindi@ppasshare.org.

All students will also be called during the day for a group picture of their performing arts major (or middle school grade).

Also, any 12th grade student who still needs a senior portrait done can have it done this day.

Middle School Musical Tickets

Royal Blood – Middle School Musical
Written by Kevin Townley
Music & Lyrics by Josh Franklin
Directed by Kyle Pleasant
Music Direction by Marissa Davis
December 15th-17th

The country is in trouble. The top 5% of the population has all the wealth while the bottom 95% pays all the tax; there’s no medical care; and the police have turned against the people. To make matters worse, children have begun to vanish…and the reason is the greatest horror of them all. It’s France in 1750 and King Louis XV just might be a vampire! Peasants, priests, and philosophers (hey Voltaire!) must come together to learn that when a crisis is met with superstition rather than compassion we really do get vampires…after all, what is a vampire if not a rich bloodsucker with no capacity for reflection?

Save the Date for Gala – and Volunteer!

The PPAS Gala will be held on
Monday, May 15, 2023

But Don’t Delay . . .

Join The Gala Committee Today!


* Auction Team 8-10 people*


  • Requesting donations from previous donors
  • Soliciting new items for auction
  • Some data entry (Google/GiveSmart)

* Design/Decor/Costume 3-6 people*


  • Soliciting Donations for decor items
  • Creating pieces for fundraising and decorations
  • Corresponding with Committee Chairs regarding any potential purchases

* Administrative 1-2 people*


  • Updating GiveSmart event platform 
  • Connecting with Teams for progress reports
  • Corresponding with PTA president for any purchase requests
  • Creating volunteer schedules

* Graphics and Communications 1-2 people*


  • Designing Final Digital invitations/banners etc.
  • Assisting decor team with graphics needs
  • Communicating to the General PTA population
  • Creating a “touch point plan” for GALA-specific communication

* And…ACTION  8-12 people*

ALL THINGS DAY OF ~ Includes but is not limited to:

  • Assisting decor team with drop off and set up
  • Volunteering for 1 hour of “service” during the event
  • Available to help with any last-minute details or emergencies
  • Assist in breaking down after the event
  • Times will vary depending on availability

Middle School Delegate Needed

Middle School Co-Delegate Election will be held during next month’s PTA Meeting.

We are seeking self-nominations from parents who would like to be a middle school co-delegate.

If interested, please send your name to president@ ppaspta.org. While anyone is welcome, ideally it would be wonderful to have a parent of a 6th or 7th grade student.

If you missed last week’s PTA meeting, here’s a link to the slide deck of what was discussed.