We you unable to attend The Wave? You can still support our senior class!
Every $10 donation helps.
Donations go toward reducing the cost of Senior Prom and other senior year events.
We you unable to attend The Wave? You can still support our senior class!
Every $10 donation helps.
Donations go toward reducing the cost of Senior Prom and other senior year events.
Congratulations to the new delegates on the PTA Executive Board!
Mary Dennis & Mike Grassotti Co-Vice Presidents of Membership
Donna Dukes, VP of Fundraising
Laura Einhorn & Terry Yarde, Freshman Delegates
Jessica DeLorenzo, Sophomore Delegate
Yanet Cruz & Andy Kris, Film Delegates
The College Office invites you to a College Financial Aid presentation!
When: Wednesday, November 1, 6:30 pm
Where: Zoom (check your email or write to collegeoffice@ppasshare.org)
Financial Aid Process Timeline & Dates
FAFSA and CSS Profile
Types of Loans
How to read a financial aid award
and Package Letter
We hope all of our Seniors’ families can join us. It is especially important for families going through the college financial aid process for the first time.
A recording of the presentation will be made and shared for families that cannot attend.
As always, please continue to email any of us in the College Office with questions or concerns!
SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY: Anthony Quinn Foundation Scholarship for Summer Arts Intensives
The AQF Scholarship is an annual competition for high school students that provides funding for the awardees to attend summer intensive arts programs. These scholarships provide an incredible opportunity for talented students from all artistic disciplines to engage in immersion experiences.
This is a competitive awards program. To succeed, applicants must demonstrate exceptional talent, dedication and a strong commitment to personal artistic growth and must be enrolled in high school or officially registered as a home-schooled high school student. Applications are reviewed by a panel of judges, comprised of professional artists and art educators who are independent of the Foundation’s Board of Directors.
The Global Glimpse program will have a lunchtime event for current PPAS juniors in Room 305 on Wednesday, October 18.
To register requirements include a nomination by a PPAS teacher and/or a Global Glimpse ambassador
(one of the PPAS seniors who attended last year’s program)
Application help is available in Room 305
during lunch November 1 through 14.
Deadline for submitting
the application is November 14.
Email Michelle Sale, Humanities teacher, msale@ppasshare.org
with any questions
Musical Theater Parents gathered for a fun gathering at Rosie’s Theater Kids on the rooftop of the building where your child has performing arts classes.
Film Parents gathered for an informative gathering at DCTV. Parents were given a tour of this spectacular space where your child has film classes.
The WAVE is our senior leadership-organized talent show and fundraiser on
Friday, October 27 at 6:30 pm.
The WAVE gives students a space to showcase their talents and share their creativity with the PPAS community.
The MOST IMPACTFUL fundraiser of the year! DONATE HERE and leave your mark for years!THE GOAL IS TO RAISE $65,000 for our Students, their academics, and their arts! Participation to date ~ $12,142 Every dollar and Every donation helps? click below $50 monthly? $30 monthly? $10 monthly? ONE-TIME donation of any amount? Each family matters and each family helps to build our community.Through the annual fund, the PTA contributes $15,000 to each of our arts partners: Dance, Drama, Musical Theater, and Vocal, to enhance the arts programs and supplement the DOE’s budget. The Film Major is a new arts partner requiring an additional $15,000 contribution. (PPAS will not receive any additional DOE funds for this major) The PPAS PTA’s mission is to support our children and each other! Finding a way to support this exciting major and all of the other initiatives is how we PTA! DONATE! AND LEAVE YOUR MARK HERE! Give as much as you feel comfortable with, but no matter what, please give! We strive for 100% participation, which helps us become more successful in our grant-writing efforts. The more we raise FOR our students – the more we give TO our students! |
October PTA Meeting will be
Participate in This Election
and Budget-discussion Meeting!
Thursday, October 19 at 6:30 pm
PPAS Cafeteria
Light refreshments will be served.
At This Meeting We Will…
– Elect several PTA Executive Board positions
– Discuss budget issues as they relate to the new and exciting film major. We will vote on specific budget changes.
Please use this form to self-nominate for any of the available positions. Parents of all grade levels 6-12 are encouraged to self-nominate.
By Caryl Churchill
Directed by Ashley Malafronte
Stage Managed by Fiona Grand
Show Dates: Nov 1-4 @7pm; Nov 3 @ 4pm & 7pm
PPAS Black Box
Synopsis: This timely drama resulted from a trip to Romania. Developed with students from London’s Central School of Drama, this is an incisive portrait of a society in turmoil that focuses on two families to reveal what life is like under a totalitarian regime and what results when the regime collapses. The play’s brief scenes are almost cinematic in their presentation of events as seen by ordinary people trying to live in peace.
Click this link for tix! – https://donorbox.org/events/505575