Mid-Winter Vocal Soiree

Please join us for our Mid-Winter Vocal Soiree, presented by PPAS and the National Chorale!

Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: PPAS Blackbox Theater

Please RSVP in advance by March 5. Payment will be taken at the door. Cost is $20 for adults, $10 for students. Guests must be fully vaccinated and masked at the event.

Volunteers and food donations are needed. Please click the appropriate selection in the RSVP link.

NYC Votes Youth Ambassador Program

New Yorkers ages 14-18 who are passionate about civic engagement, voting, and democracy can apply to join the 2022 NYC Votes Youth Ambassador team! This paid opportunity will run from May-August, with an option to stay on through November 2022. Ambassadors will earn up to $175 per month for 10-15 hours of work. For the time being, this opportunity will be entirely remote, with a possibility for 2 days/week in person programming during the summer months. As we continue to face a global pandemic, the integrity and accessibility of our elections are at stake. Now more than ever we must work together to educate and mobilize our communities about the importance of civic engagement–especially at the local level.

NYC Votes Youth Ambassadors are a community of young people who care about our city and our democracy. Ambassadors will be expected to complete weekly tasks, long-term projects, and engage in regular meetings. The Ambassadors will be trained to become the next generation of community leaders in New York City. Participating in the program provides not only an opportunity to work alongside a city agency and learn more about voting and local government, but also to develop leadership, public speaking, and community organizing skills. Participants should be available from 5-7pm on Wednesdays for virtual team meetings, as well as 9-5pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays during the summer months for potential in-person programming.

Get more info and apply. The deadline to apply is Friday, Feb. 25th at 5:00pm.

Spring Musical

We are excited to announce that Mr. Kyle Pleasant will be directing a spring musical production!

Due to COVID constraints, we will not be producing a full blown production, but rather a smaller staged workshop of a new musical in progress.  We often do this sort of work in our New Works Lab with Drama 4 students and it can be as exciting and exhilarating as a fully staged production.  There is no title yet, but we will use Musical Workshop as a working title for now.

Auditions for the Musical Workshop will be held virtually by video submission.  Record your name, grade, and major along with 32 bars of a pop or musical theater song that best shows your range.

Email your video audition to director Kyle Pleasant.

Submission Deadline:  Monday, January 31st at 10:00 AM.

Rehearsals will begin February 2nd, Monday-Friday 4PM-8PM.  Saturdays 10AM-2PM.  Performances: March 3rd, 4th and 5th.

Any questions?  Email Mr. Pleasant.

Hear Me! Monologue Showcase

Students currently living and attending high school in New York City, grades 9-12, are eligible to audition for the Hear Me! Monologue Showcase. There is no cost to apply or participate.

Students will submit a video audition performing a monologue of 2.5 minutes or longer written by an American playwright (or Shakespeare). Students may select any monologue they prefer, regardless of gender.

The application deadline is Friday, March 11th. Get more info about the showcase and apply.

2022 Keen Teens Auditions

Keen Teens is a free production and performance opportunity for high school students interested in theater! Working with professional playwrights, directors, designers and technicians, students will perform in the world premiere production of three new short plays written exclusively for Keen Teens by C. Quintana (AZUL at Diversionary Theatre & SCISSORING at INTAR Theatre), Bleu Beckford-Burell (2021 Page 73 Playwriting Fellow), and Stephanie Swirsky. The plays are then published by Concord Theatricals and made available to be performed in high schools across the country.

Students who are cast will rehearse once a week, after school, beginning February 14th, plus three weekend rehearsals in late April/early May. The plays will be performed at The Lion Theatre at Theatre Row for five performances in mid-May.

You can find out more info about the program and create your audition. For anyone who’s not an actor and is interested in directing, tech (lights/sound), design (scenic/costume), stage management, or producing, students have the opportunity to assist members of Keen Teens’ production team — please email keenteens@keencompany.org to set up an interview.

CreateHER Applications

Applications are now open for the spring session of CreateHER, a free program for girl-identifying and non-binary high school students interested in writing and producing for theatre.

Through this program, students are given the technical and creative tools to take their ideas from page to reality. CreateHER provides high-level playwriting and producing courses and features guest speakers who are leaders in the theatre industry: from producers and general managers, to groundbreaking playwrights, dramaturgs, and marketing directors. By the end of the semester, all students write, produce, and present a short play of their own, which will be presented on May 22nd.

Classes are held on Sundays from 9:30am-12:00 PM, beginning February 6th. Applications are open through January 22nd. To apply, visit the CreateHER Web site.