Discounted Internet

All New York City families with a student enrolled in a DOE school or program are eligible for a discount of up to $50/month for broadband service, equipment, and device rentals as well as a one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer (with a co-payment of $10 – $50), where available. Families can confirm their eligibility, apply for the program, and find participating broadband providers via the USAC website. There are also many other free and low-cost internet options for New York City families.

Bake Sale

Wednesday, October 20, our Senior Council is sponsoring a bake sale right outside of the main office. Cupcakes, cookies, and cake will all be available, and everything will cost $1-$2. All proceeds will benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation for breast cancer research.

Welcome back!

Welcome back, PPAS families!

We hope your kiddos are getting settled into the rhythm of in-person learning again, and that you are all safe and well.

Please join us at these events:

  • PTA Meeting – Wed, October 13, 6:30, on Zoom (check your email for details)
  • Mocktails in the Courtyard (parents only) – Fri, October 15, 6:30, PPAS courtyard. View the invitation and RSVP.

Don’t forget to join our mailing list so you can stay up to date on all of our events!

Congratulations, New PTA Board!

PPAS PTA 2021-22 Executive Board:


Harley Abrevaya & Michael Grassotti

Vice President of Membership

Cassandra Callazo

Vice President of Fundraising

Pamela Nolasco


Zhang Yi (Sherry) Fan Grand

Corresponding Secretary

Ann Marie Menna Pascarella

Recording Secretary

Lisa Duke

Dance Co-Delegates

Dawn Bowen & Jasmine Battiste

Drama Co-Delegates

Julie Wheeler & Leslie Hendricks

Musical Theatre Co-Delegates

Shannon Burkett & Jacqueline Lucid-Cusick

Vocal Delegate

Hellen Steward

Middle School Co-Delegates

Jamie Campagnola

School Leadership Team (SLT) Members:

Cynthia Vacca

Heidi Saltalamacchia

Natasha Israel

Middle School Musical

Please RSVP to ‘Once Upon A Pandemic’ — the MS Musical. Rehearsals have been going really well and there is so much creativity coming out of this project. The students had a lot of fun with this show! It will be streamed for three nights on Vimeo.

Once Upon A Pandemic
Directed by Christina Franklin
Stage Managed by Maggie Manzano
Music Direction by Marissa Davis

Show Dates:
Thursday, June 17th @ 7pm
Friday, June 18th @ 7pm 
Saturday, June 19th @ 7pm