If you’re interested in AP classes for the 2021-22 school year, check out the brochure that describes all of them:
If you’re interested in AP classes for the 2021-22 school year, check out the brochure that describes all of them:
Thank you to all of the parents and staff who came out on Friday night in support of our PPAS community to celebrate the 31st Anniversary Gala! A huge thank you to Watson Adventures, the Gala planning team, the Duncan Family, Teri Gindi, and the PTA for making this event happen and for dedicating so much time and energy to our school! We had an amazing kick off event to our virtual auction, which will remain open through Friday, June 4th Check out all of our remaining items: |
As we near the end of this school year we have a lot to celebrate,
especially PPAS’s 31st Anniversary!
Because 2020 was not a time for festivities …we PROMISE to make this year’s celebration one to remember!
The night begins at 7:00 pm with a virtual AROUND THE WORLD SCAVENGER HUNT from WATSON ADVENTURES.
–Game followed by kick off of AUCTION!!!
tickets $31p/p
The Gala Committee asks all PTA members (that’s all of us…parents
of PPAS students) to help with contributing items to the PPAS AUCTION, which will take place on Bidding for Good . Please ask your neighborhood businesses, friends, family, after-school classes or workplace for a donation item or service we can auction at the GALA.
We’ll send an email following this one explaining in greater detail all the different types of items that make great auction items.
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE… the celebration is around the corner so we ask that we all reach out to at least 1 friend, neighborhood business, family member TODAY…that’s just 1. If each one does so we will secure funding for our students and expand further on opportunities to come!
1. Donation form
2. QR Code to download so you don’t have to carry anything with you.
The QR Code links directly to the donation form (place phone’s camera on the bar code image below).
3. Sample solicitation letters (emailed to you separately), which you’re welcome to use or give ideas to compose your own.
PowerPlay NYC advances the lives of girls through sports, helping them grow physically, emotionally and academically stronger.
The SuperSTARS Leadership Academy is a high-impact, year-long, FREE leadership development program that prepares high school young women in NYC for college and the workforce through a structured, girl-centered approach focused on three key areas: sports/physical fitness, college access, and career/life skills development.
The Academy kicks off with a six-week intensive summer session where girls participate in a variety of sports, develop workplace and life skills and learn about the college process. During the school year, girls gain access to activities to build their life and leadership skills through attending monthly workshops. Our other school year commitments include the opportunity to grow as mentors and leaders by participating in our peer coach program working with our younger after-school participants or to benefit from having a mentor who will help guide them in areas of networking, resume building, college application requirements, and more.
We’re looking to accept students that will be entering 9th to 12th grade in the Fall of 2021.
Summer Program Dates: July 6-August 13, 2021
Time: M-Th 9am-4pm, F 9am-1pm
Program will be hybrid with some sessions will be in person and others virtual. In person sessions will follow current local guidelines for safety.
School Year Dates: September 2021-June 2022
Monthly after school workshops
Please apply here
The College Office wants to remind you of some important upcoming dates of events we are hosting.
College Financing (geared towards 11th grade families, others are welcome)
Tuesday May, 4th 6:30pm
Navigating College Opportunity Programs for First Generation and Low Income Students (geared towards 11th grade families)
Tuesday May, 11th 6:30pm
Introduction to the College Process (what to expect: for 9th and 10th grade families)
Wednesday May, 19th 6:30 pm
Virtual College Fair (all are welcome)
Tuesday June 8th, 6:00pm
Watch your email for Zoom links!
Please join us
Friday, April 30th – 7:00PM
All school talent show and fundraiser
Live streamed on YouTube:
Instead of selling individual tickets
this year, we’re asking our PPAS families to Please Participate by:
1. Watching the show.
Everyone involved has worked hard to make it special & would love to entertain you!
2. Donating to the school.
Any amount will help towards reaching our funding goals for this year. Your contribution will make a big difference in our students’ success!
Invite your relatives and friends!
You can donate now, right before, or during the SLAM performance.
*Participating donors will be recognized during the show “telethon style”.
Please go to this link: https://donorbox.org/ppas-slam-2021
Here it is: the latest edition of The Voice, PPAS’s student newspaper. Enjoy the articles and artwork!
This Tuesday,
April 20th @ 7:30 PM
EXECUTIVE BOARD Nominations & PTA Meeting
VP Fundraising
VP Membership
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
*Middle School Delegates
Drama Delegates
Musical Theatre Delegates
Dance Delegates
Vocal Delegates
To see a description of responsibilities for each position please go to the PPAS BYLAWS.
(*) As of now, there are 2 positions that will definitely need to be filled for the 2021-2022 school year.
Please keep in mind that all positions are up for re-election. If a current member runs for re-election, you may still nominate yourself. Ideally we would love to have co-heads for each position. Voting will take place in June.
The current Executive Board thanks you in advance for your support, enthusiasm, and participation.
Please NOMINATE YOURSELF for a position that interests you.
This summer the Manhattan Film Institute is back and stronger than ever. They are a boutique summer filmmaking conservatory which creates 25 short films in two weeks.
They only take 12 high school students in this competitive program and who will work side-by-side with industry professionals making films with 40 additional actors and directors, many of whom are experienced in the industry.
This year’s summer program dates are July 11th – 25th, 2021.
Learn more about our program and apply.
*This year they are offering two full directing scholarships to students of Asian descent. These scholarships were donated to help raise the visibility of Asian voices and stories in film.
Live Out Loud presents Behind the Scenes with Playwrights Horizons
In partnership with a variety of companies, Live Out Loud invites students to connect with a panel of LGBTQ+ professionals, hear their stories, and learn what it’s like to be out and proud at work. Through the Behind the Scenes program, LGBTQ+ youth meet and learn from adult role models from our partner company, and engage in fun activities specific to that company’s mission and values.
Date and time: Apr 29, 2021 03:15 PM on Zoom
Space is limited, so register now!