Free Masterclass for Teens

Teens Write Comedy for Television

Monday, February 1, from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm

Teens Write Comedy for Television with award winning comedic playwright and television writer, Sarah Congress. Everyone loves a good romcom, but it takes two to tango! Tune into Sarah’s masterclass for teens on developing comedic characters, and start this heart month off with a bang. Think about your favorite comedic character and come ready with a pen/pencil to start!

Register Here!

POC Parent Community Gathering

Join members of PPAS’ Equity team on Thursday Feb, 11th for a POC (Person of Color) Parent Community Gathering.

Learn more about the school’s equity team, meet other parents of color and express your ideas and concerns. Looking forward to convening with parents of color for the purpose of community building at PPAS.

DATE: Thursday, February 11th 
TIME: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM


Black History Month and Computer Coding

From Mr. Ryan:

Mr. Wright found this great curriculum that combines computer coding and celebrating black history by produce a remixes of a Pharrel Williams song.  Student remixes will be entered into a national competition!  Check out the attached flyer for details about how to join the class that Mr. Wright will lead:

PTA Meeting

Today – Thursday, January 21st @ 6:30pm.
Please join our 1st PTA meeting of 2021.
Agenda: You will hear from Principal Ryan and school delegates.

Special Guests:
They will introduce themselves and their role in assisting students with the application process – advice for all PPAS parents and students.